Worms - We're infested with worms! My computer is anyway. This weekend of getting things done is not meant to be I guess. Who the heck does that?? Create a virus so cunning and invasive - it actually turns off my virus protection software?! My files are {mostly} backed up on an external hard drive so keep your fingers crossed that loss of images will be minimal. So both my computer and external hard drive sit at
Canton Computers.... Like rushing a child to the ER I tell you. Nothing to do but wait, fingers crossed, pacing... I hope the jerk who created the
spybot worm suffers ten thousand
paper cuts, slivers, hangnails and stubs his toe and bangs his funny bone for good measure. Bad karma coming your way buddy...
To add to the frustration of the weekend, my senior portrait session was rained out Saturday. The upside is that though the session didn't happen, I did get to the location and snapped a few set up shots. Discovered a great park that I haven't been to before and can't wait to do a session there.
Update - After a total system restore, there is no trace of a worm on the machine. And file loss was minimal. Now its just a matter of putting everything back where it belongs. Back on track...whew!